Electronics International CGR-30P Installation Log, Pt. 2

Well, the big day arrived yesterday! I had a nice little package dropped off for me at the airport by UPS from Bend, Oregon!  I really felt like a kid on Christmas morning who couldn't wait to start unwrapping his presents!!  I quickly (but carefully) set about opening the package to see what all was contained within. I will definitely say that EI bundled this package up with care. Everything was neatly inside with plenty of packing peanuts.

After uncovering everything, I pulled each individual bag & box out to set it on my workbench in order to survey exactly what I had received.  I was amazed at all that was contained in that one box! Additionally, it was very organized.  Each baggie contained a separate component/probe, and each wire was neatly labeled so that you could read it.  There are no shortage of instructions & drawings inside either!  I’ve read enough of the installation instructions so far to realize that I will need to order some additional items (fittings, hose, hardware, etc…), so I will try and do my best to detail that as well.

Now that I can see all of the different components, we can start the installation planning. That will be next up!  Stay tuned for the next part of our install!