Electronics International CGR-30P Installation Log, Pt. 1


After a recent issue with older, analog engine gauges, I decided that it was time for an upgrade...N1UG needed an engine monitor!  Now then...how do I sell it to my wife?  Of course!  The old fallback!  I'll tell her I need to spend the money in the interest of safety. 

Many people wonder what all is involved in the purchase and install of an engine monitor. I'm hoping to give you a taste of that experience from an average Joe's point of view.

The first question to answer is which engine monitor to get?  After weighing several options, I decided on the CGR-30P from Electronics International.  Many ask what made me decide on the EI CGR-30P over a JPI (or other's) offering. I have nothing against any of them. In the end, the things that drew me to EI were their customer service, their rebate program, their cost as a primary replacement for several gauges in my panel, and the fact that the CGR will fit a standard 3 1/8" instrument bay without having to slice up my panel overlay. With that being said, I made my decision to order the 6-cylinder Premium CGR-30P option and set about the ordering process.


The first thing you do when ordering the CGR-30P is to download and fill out a "Marking and Configuration Requirements" worksheet. This sheet allows you to select the features you want for your instrument and then tailor them to your specific aircraft. All of this information comes right from your POH (or other related aircraft/engine manuals). This sheet is submitted at the time of your order to the folks at EI and lets them customize the instrument just for your aircraft. It's a 7 page document, but really only took about 20 minutes to fill out. After reviewing it with my A&P, I placed my order (with Aircraft Spruce incidentally), and would then await delivery of my very own unit.

Lead times were running between three and four weeks and the final product would have to be shipped all the way across country from Oregon to Tennessee, so I settled in and started reading through the installation manual (which is a 92 page document!). I like to be prepared, what can I say?  Especially since my A&P will be letting me take the lead on the installation, and he will supervise my work.

Stay tuned for the next part of our install!